OMWB… ‘Overdale Quarry’ load out building

Back to work on the 'Overdale Quarry' load out building
Back to work on the ‘Overdale Quarry’ load out building

In between waiting for the various sections of dry stone walling to set, I’ve had a chance to work on a project on my workbench, or OMWB, to use the modern vernacular. A term used by better men than I, and if you cant beat ’em, join ’em!

I'm working on the upper half of the building now
So, OMWB… I’ve been working on the upper half of the ‘Overdale Quarry’ load out building

The bracing around the inside
The bracing around the inside also acts as a sill for the upper half to sit on, making it removable

A quick test fitting of the upper half so far
A quick test fitting of the work so far

The load out building is taking shape at last
The upper half of the load out building is taking shape at last

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